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Helping professionals are so very good at finding Resources for and helping others to get what they need to feel and function their best…what about Resources for the ‘Healer’? There are countless books/Resources available to learn about helping others, but those meant to help Healers feel good and balanced about what they do are more obscure. This presentation provides an information pool of practical, sound, and realistic Resources known to be helpful to Healers of various disciplines, regardless of area of practice. Outlines benefits of this practice for the Healer, and the natural transfer to improved client care. One resource presented is given away to winning participant! This presentation lends itself well as a rich option for a shorter period of time, or a more casual atmosphere that invites discussion and input. Facilitator is not allied with nor funded through any of the Resources presented; pool of information is offered for the benefit of participants, as a product of extensive research and interviews by the presenter.